Ending Racism in the Church (Davies & Hennessee)

Ending Racism in the Church (Davies & Hennessee)

  • $14.95

Bold and Necessary Work

Boldy speaking to church members everywhere, Ending Racism in the Church raises awareness of how racism influences behavior and spawns hatred.

Four case studies describe religious or community agencies that strive to end racism; then a diverse group of scholars and activists identify the subtle ways in which racism undermines the gospel's spirit. A guide is included to help groups discuss issues that separate the church. An invaluable aid to church members of all backgrounds.

About the Editors

Susan E. Davies is Jonathan Fisher Professor of Christian Education and dean of students and external relations at Bangor Theological Seminary in Bangor, Maine. 

Sister Paul Teresa Hennessee, S.A., is associate director for African American Churches at the Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute in New York.

Paperback: 150 pages
ISBN 978-0-8298-1238-1