How Can We Thank You? Let Us Count the Ways...

How Can We Thank You? Let Us Count the Ways...

  • $6.00

Saying "Thanks" to Church Volunteers

Every church has people who need to hear "thank you."

Here is a gift book of reflections that you can offer as a token of your gratitude to all those who pitch in to make your church work: Sunday School teachers, committee members and chairpersons, ushers, greeters, kitchen workers, choir members, and more.

Inside front cover has space for writing "To" and "From."

About the Writers

The Stillspeaking Writers' Group is made up of United Church of Christ ministers, pastors, and authors who collaborate on a variety of resources for people in the church, outside the church, and not so sure about the church. Their motto: "Hearing God where you live (and other surprising places)."

Paperback booklet, 32 pages
ISBN 978-0-8298-2139-0