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A Sacred Storm | When God Speaks through Radical Disruption (Jones)
Don't Just Give Me That Old Time Religion (Wiley)
Glorify | Reclaiming the Heart of Progressive Christianity (Heath)
Hollywatts | From the Promised Land to Purgatory (Cribbs)
Hope in Disarray | Piecing Our Lives Together in Faith (Kim)
Psalms from Prison | 3rd Edition (Chavis)
Shepherding the Seasons | Stories from a Life with Two Flocks (Foote)
Sistering | The Art of Holding Close and Letting Go (Dickey and Neff)
The Book of Jeremiah | The Life and Ministry of Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. (Williams Smith)
Where We Live | Environmental Activists' Fight to Save Their Communities (Cunningham)
Wild Coin Hunting | The Recovery of Joy while Living with Depression (Griggs)