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"A Path for Love" | Christmas Card
"Bring Every Good Gift" | Christmas Card
"God is Still Speaking," What Does That Mean? | Pack of 50 Brochures
"Love Is More Outrageous" | Greeting Card
"The Lily Proclaims It" | Easter Card
1 Corinthians | "Listen Up" Bible Study
100 Spiritual Movies to See Before You Die (Zukowski)
2 Corinthians | "Listen Up" Bible Study
A Book of Uncommon Prayers | Extraordinary Prayers for Ordinary Occasions
A History of the Evangelical and Reformed Church
A Sacred Storm | When God Speaks through Radical Disruption (Jones)
A Sense of the Divine | The Natural Environment from a Theocentric Perspective - PDF (Gustafson)
Abundant Lives | A Progressive Christian Ethic of Flourishing (Udis-Kessler)
Acts | "Listen Up" Bible Study (Robinson)
Affirming Faith Resources | Revised and Updated (Dipko)
African American Pastoral Care and Counseling | The Politics of Oppression and Empowerment (Wimberly)
African Americans and the Christian Churches: 1619-1860 (Neale Jones)
Afro-Christian Convention | The Fifth Stream of the United Church of Christ
All Whom God Has Joined | Resources for Clergy and Same-Gender Loving Couples (Tigert & Tirabassi)
Ancient and Medieval Legacies | Volume 1, The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ
Another Scroll | Defiant Readings for Lectionary Year C (Brooks)
Bad Girls of the Bible | Exploring Women of Questionable Virtue (Essex)
Becoming a Pastor | Forming Self and Soul for Ministry, Revised & Updated (Hamman)
Becoming Jesus' Prayer | Transforming Your Life Through the Lord's Prayer (Palmer, McCalmont, Milford)
Book of Worship | United Church of Christ (Desk Edition)
Book of Worship | United Church of Christ (PDF Download)
Book of Worship | United Church of Christ (Pocket Edition)
Building Up a New World | Congregational Organizing for Transformative Impact