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100 Spiritual Movies to See Before You Die (Zukowski)
Colonial and National Beginnings | Volume 3, The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ
Consolidation and Expansion | Volume 4, The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ
Courageous Faith | How to Rise and Resist in a Time of Fear (Heath)
Dynamic Discernment | Reason, Emotion, and Power in Change Leadership (Drummond)
Good News Preaching | Offering the Gospel in Every Sermon (Brooks)
Growing Toward Unity | Volume 6, The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ
Healing Worship | Purpose and Practice (Epperly)
Living with Cancer | Meditations of Peace and Love (Smith and Smith)
Outreach and Diversity | Volume 5, The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ
Picture the Bible (Myers)
Real Good Church | How Our Church Came Back from the Dead, and Yours Can, Too (Baskette)
Reformation Roots | Volume 2, The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ
Shepherding the Seasons | Stories from a Life with Two Flocks (Foote)
Slug and Snail Search for Peace (Manfredini & Gould)
The Great World House | Martin Luther King, Jr. and Global Ethics (Lee)
The Words of Her Mouth | Psalms for the Struggle (Spong)
United and Uniting | Volume 7, The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ (Softcover)
Where the Edge Gathers | A Theology of Radical Inclusion (Flunder)
Worship from A to Z | A UCC Coloring Book