Confessing Our Faith | An Interpretation of the Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ (Shinn)
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History and Commentary on the UCC Statement of Faith
This interpretation of Christian faith -- organized in terms of "the Great Story" of scripture, not topically like the classical creeds -- is an example of narrative theology. It is an interpretation, in some ways a reinterpretation, of the 1959 Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ. (Since that time, a variety of theological movements has stirred the churches and two revisions of the original Statement of Faith were drafted to respond to those movements.)
This book describes the development process of the original Statement of Faith, including the history of the revisions and the reasons for them. It then presents a sentence-by-sentence commentary on the text of the latest revision. Shinn observes the Statement's firm convictions and its points of continued discussion.
About the Author
Roger L. Shinn is the Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Since his retirement from Union, he has taught at the Pacific School of Religion, Drew University, and Princeton Theological Seminary. He has authored and edited numerous books.
United Church Press
ISBN 978-0-8298-0866-7
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