They Like to Never Quit Praisin’ God | The Role of Celebration in Preaching, Revised & Updated (Thomas)
Preaching Celebration
Through the unique lens of African American preaching, Frank Thomas explores the theology, dynamics and guidelines for celebrative preaching. They Like to Never Quit Praisin' God: The Role of Celebration in Preaching provides the steps that are essential to understand and experience the Gospel through celebration and praise.
This revised edition of They Like to Never Quit Praisin' God is updated with two new sermon illustrations and a sermon preparation worksheet.
About the Author
Frank A. Thomas has been an ordained minister and pastor for 26 years. He is CEO of Hope For Life International, Inc., publisher of The African American Pulpit. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Memphis and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Chicago Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary. He is a member of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Board of Preachers at Morehouse College and serves as adjunct professor at McCormick Theological Seminary.
Paperback: 160 pages (5.5 x 8.5 in)
ISBN 978-0-8298-1978-6