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Hollywatts | From the Promised Land to Purgatory (Cribbs)
A Sacred Storm | When God Speaks through Radical Disruption (Jones)
Don't Just Give Me That Old Time Religion (Wiley)
Where the Edge Gathers | A Theology of Radical Inclusion (Flunder)
Psalms from Prison | 3rd Edition (Chavis)
Afro-Christian Convention | The Fifth Stream of the United Church of Christ
The Book of Jeremiah | The Life and Ministry of Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. (Williams Smith)
African American Pastoral Care and Counseling | The Politics of Oppression and Empowerment (Wimberly)
The Great World House | Martin Luther King, Jr. and Global Ethics (Lee)
They Like to Never Quit Praisin’ God | The Role of Celebration in Preaching, Revised & Updated (Thomas)
Jesus and Those Bodacious Women | Life Lessons from One Sister to Another (Hollies)
Where Have All the Prophets Gone? Reclaiming Prophetic Preaching in America (McMickle)