Dancing through Fire | Daily Poems of Wisdom, Passion, and Peace (Datsko de Sanchez)
Soothing and Enlivening Poetry
Remember, dear ones, peace is a choice.
Even amidst crashing waves of grief, pain, despair
stands a lighthouse with a glowing beacon,
warm as sunlight, pouring out love.
—Tina Datsko de Sánchez
The reader can feel the sensuousness of these poems: how they appear in the mind's eye, how they touch the skin of life, how they stir the spirit's heart. With deep understanding of the human spirit, each poem by Tina Datsko de Sánchez touches the reader's core with rich imagery and holy metaphors.
Dancing through Fire: Daily Poems of Wisdom, Passion, and Peace is a meditative collection of poetry for daily reading. It is the second of four books forthcoming from The Pilgrim Press written by Tina Datsko de Sánchez. Datsko de Sánchez writes with the spiritual intuition of such poets as Hafiz and Rumi, and the ecumenical mysticism of such theologians as Meister Eckhart and Mirabai.
Set Your Heart in a Place of Peace
"In today's busy world, sometimes all we have is a moment. These poems are designed to shine a ray of holy light and life into your day and set your heart in a place of peace. Whether you are reading over coffee in the morning or on the commuter train, or settling down for the evening to take stock of another day, I know you'll hear the sweetness of music in her messages of peace."
—from the Foreword by Elena Larssen
About the Author
Tina Datsko de Sánchez is an author and filmmaker whose work won 14 Hopwood Awards and the Los Angeles Art Council Award. Her bilingual poetry book, The Delirium of Simón Bolivar, won the Phi Kappa Phi Award. She wrote and produced the feature documentary, Searching for Simón Bolivar: One Poet's Journey. She serves as Poet in Residence at the First Congregational Church in Long Beach, CA.
Award-winning mixed media artist Loryn Spangler-Jones created original artwork for the cover of Dancing through Fire.
Paperback: 126 pages
ISBN 978-0-8298-1223-7
Open Waters Publishing