A Book of Uncommon Prayers | Extraordinary Prayers for Ordinary Occasions
From Lost Keys to Boring Meetings
For the days when your energy is low. For that moment when technology is exasperating. For the argument with a loved one. For the sweet moment of cuddling with your dog.
These are the uncommon prayers we need for everyday experiences.
Ever lost your car keys, been stuck in traffic, gone to bed angry, or had no energy? Who hasn't? A Book of (Un)Common Prayers (excerpt here) offers inspirational little prayers that will make a big impact in daily life.
About the Writers
The Stillspeaking Writers' Group is made up of United Church of Christ ministers, pastors, and authors who collaborate on a variety of resources for people in the church, outside the church, and not so sure about the church. Their motto: "Hearing God where you live (and other surprising places)."
Paperback: 5.5" x 4"
ISBN 978-0-8298-2135-2