I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church | Second Edition (Nixon)
Updated Edition
The COVID-19 pandemic renewed speculation of the Church's demise, and the wake of global catastrophe heightened clergy burnout. Still, Paul Nixon holds onto fierce hope that the modern Church is not destined for extinction. Life and resurrection are choices the Church can still make!
With new material for the post-quarantine era, I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church (2nd edition) provides excellent stimulation for faith communities to choose lively and life-giving ministry.
Bold Choices for Ministry
God has called all of us to lead healthy, growing spiritual communities that serve their neighbors. This call is not to a few collared clergy, but to all Christian apostles who understand themselves to be charged with blessing others' lives and expanding the impact of God's love.
"I can find no grounds, biblical or otherwise, to assume that some leaders are born apostles and others aren't. Any leader who has a living experience with Christ can make apostolic choices." —Paul Nixon
With I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church, Paul Nixon invites you to join his commitment to apostolic leadership with these six critical choices:
- choosing life over death;
- choosing community over isolation;
- choosing fun over drudgery;
- choosing bold over mild;
- choosing frontier over fortress;
- and choosing now rather than later.
About the Author
Paul Nixon is an ordained minister in The United Methodist Church, working with ministry pioneers around the nation who seek to create fresh expressions of faith community. He is President/CEO of Epicenter Group (www.epicentergroup.org). Check out all of Paul's books from The Pilgrim Press.
Paperback: 128 pages
ISBN 978-0-8298-0104-0