New Ecclesiology and Polity | The United Church of Christ (Steckel)
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Reshaping the Church
In New Ecclesiology and Polity, Steckel argues that the United Church of Christ ecclesiology and its polity have an urgent need to be re-examined and re-shaped if the church is to be a faithful and strong ministry in the post-modern world.
New Ecclesiology and Polity describes the transition from modernity to post-modernity in religion, focusing on ways in which the United Church of Christ is aware of these transitions in the life of church, but lacks awareness of how denominational governing structures undermine faithful mission in a post-modern world.
About the Author
Clyde J. Steckel is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and is Emeritus Professor of Theology at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. He received an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He is also the author of Finding the Church: A Personal Memoir (The Pilgrim Press, 2017).
ISBN 978-0-8298-1857-4

Polity Discount
Purchase 6 of the following 18 polity titles and receive a 30% discount by entering the code "UCC Polity Bundle" at checkout.
Afro-Christian Convention: The Fifth Stream of the United Church of Christ (Delk)
- Confessing Our Faith: An Interpretation of the Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ (Shinn)
- Covenant: A Study for the United Church of Christ (Fisler-Hoffman)
The Evangelical Catechism: A New Translation for the 21st Century (Trost)
- The Evolution of a UCC Style: Essays in the History, Ecclesiology, and Culture of the United Church of Christ (Walker)
The Heidelberg Catechism: A New Translation for the 21st Century (Barrett)
- Hidden Histories in the United Church of Christ: Volume 1 (Zikmund, ed.)
Hidden Histories in the United Church of Christ: Volume 2 (Zikmund, ed.)
History and Program: Revised and Updated (Post/Dipko)
- A History of the Evangelical and Reformed Church (Zuck, ed.)
- New Ecclesiology and Polity: The United Church of Christ (Steckel)
The Shaping of American Congregationalism: 1620-1957 (von Rohr)
- The Shaping of the United Church of Christ: An Essay in the History of American Christianity (Gunnemann)
- Sharing Leadership: A United Church of Christ Way of Being in Community (Drummond)
- That We May All (Finally!) Be One: Covenant, Hospitality, and the Expanding Identity in the United Church of Christ (Gast)
- Theology and Identity: Traditions, Movements, and Polity in the United Church of Christ (Johnson and Hambrick-Stowe, eds.)
- United and Uniting: The Meaning of an Ecclesial Journey, United Church of Christ 1957-1987 (Gunnemann)
- The Unofficial Handbook of the United Church of Christ (Caldwell and Preston)
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