Sistering | The Art of Holding Close and Letting Go (Dickey and Neff)
Praise for Sistering
"Sistering is a laugh-aloud, cry-aloud, stark-naked love letter to the magic of knowing and being known." —Ginnifer Goodwin, actor
"We absolutely inhaled this book!" —Ashley Williams and Kimberly Williams-Paisley, actors
"Sistering is an absolute delight, unlike anything I think I've ever read. More, please?" —Carol Lee Flinders, PhD
"Somehow these writers have beautifully captured us all." —Griffin Matthews, actor
Who Helps You Find Your Voice?
"I don't know how my life would be different if I never had my sister, but I do know that the steadiness in how I stand in the world is in large part because she exists." —Dani
"What strikes me now, sitting here, typing, in the middle of my life (at least I hope), in the middle of my career (at least I hope) is the myth of Being Separate. ... We bear [life] alone most of the time. But there's this thing around us. Like a fabric." —Jessie
If "life is all a stage," it matters how we are encouraged to have voice on that stage and how we connect to other actors. It matters because we come to understand ourselves in our voices. It matters because we practice healing through those connections.
On an actual stage, a play aims to reveal life truths that might draw us toward healing, draw us toward one another. And on another sort of stage, in the space of worship, the sermon aims to do the same. Sistering: The Art of Holding Close and Letting Go brings together the two stages to offer up some truths that might be healing to you, too.
With honesty, laughter, adoration, and a few choice swear words, author-sisters Jessie and Dani—one a playwright, one a pastor—look together at their lives, their voices, and the love that shapes them.
About the Authors
Jessica Dickey writes for the theater and television and film. She divides her time between Brooklyn, Los Angeles, and the south of France.
Danielle Neff is a United Church of Christ pastor. She lives and works in Pennsylvania with her husband, Alan, and their three children Sam, Liam, and Grace.
Paperback: 118 pages
ISBN 978-0-8298-0005-0