Sharing Leadership | A United Church of Christ Way of Being in Community (Drummond)

Sharing Leadership | A United Church of Christ Way of Being in Community (Drummond)

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Countercultural Leadership

In a world that celebrates individual charisma and personal platform, how can the United Church of Christ’s ethos of shared leadership provide a countercultural message? 

The UCC's structure and well-being depend upon shared leadership:

  • between pastors and congregations,
  • between churches and Associations/Conferences,
  • between believers with diverse life experiences,
  • across regions with varied histories. 

That quality of collaboration is often understated – in contrast to the United Church of Christ’s more public pronouncements – yet the ethos of shared leadership may be one of the UCC’s greatest gifts to a secular world that is increasingly narrated by division and platform. 

Praise for Sharing Leadership

"Sharing Leadership models what a great denominational textbook ought to look like, because it models what denominational and church leadership ought to look like." ~Willie James Jennings
"Drummond's catalytic gifts enable the world to be more than what God intends us to be. So read her words and let God's visions expand." ~Barbara Brown Zikmund

About the Author

Sarah B. Drummond is a scholar, educator, and ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, currently serving as the Dean of Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School.

United Church Press
Paperback: 176 pages
ISBN 978-0-8298-2174-1

UCC Polity Bundle Discount

Purchase 6 of the following 18 polity titles and receive a 30% discount by entering the code "UCC Polity Bundle" at checkout.

  • Afro-Christian Convention: The Fifth Stream of the United Church of Christ (Delk)
  • Confessing Our Faith: An Interpretation of the Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ (Shinn)
  • Covenant: A Study for the United Church of Christ (Fisler-Hoffman)
  • The Evangelical Catechism: A New Translation for the 21st Century (Trost)
  • The Evolution of a UCC Style: Essays in the History, Ecclesiology, and Culture of the United Church of Christ (Walker)
  • The Heidelberg Catechism: A New Translation for the 21st Century (Barrett)
  • Hidden Histories in the United Church of Christ: Volume 1 (Zikmund, ed.)
  • Hidden Histories in the United Church of Christ: Volume 2 (Zikmund, ed.)
  • History and Program: Revised and Updated (Post/Dipko)
  • A History of the Evangelical and Reformed Church (Zuck, ed.)
  • New Ecclesiology and Polity: The United Church of Christ (Steckel)
  • The Shaping of American Congregationalism: 1620-1957 (von Rohr)
  • The Shaping of the United Church of Christ: An Essay in the History of American Christianity (Gunnemann)
  • Sharing Leadership: A United Church of Christ Way of Being in Community (Drummond)
  • That We May All (Finally!) Be One: Covenant, Hospitality, and the Expanding Identity in the United Church of Christ (Gast)
  • Theology and Identity: Traditions, Movements, and Polity in the United Church of Christ (Johnson and Hambrick-Stowe, eds.)
  • United and Uniting: The Meaning of an Ecclesial Journey, United Church of Christ 1957-1987 (Gunnemann)
  • The Unofficial Handbook of the United Church of Christ (Caldwell and Preston)

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