Daily Devotional | Submissions
About the Daily Devotional
The Daily Devotional is a ministry of the United Church of Christ (UCC) National Setting, grounding readers in the presence of a still-speaking God. Each day, the Daily Devotional offers a faithful word of biblical inspiration, encouragement, humor, and challenge to more than 30,000 readers.
The Daily Devotional is shepherded by the God Is Still Speaking,®: The Writers' Group and the staff of The Pilgrim Press. The Writers' Group and its regular contributors are known for their whimsical piety, providing progressive theological reflection for Christians who strive to be literate but not literal in nurturing their faith.
Writers interested in submitting a devotion for consideration as a Daily Devotional publication are welcome to do so at any time, strictly adhering to the guidelines below. Membership in the UCC is not required, but an understanding of the diversity of UCC theological perspectives is important.
Likewise, it is important to be familiar with the overarching tone of the Daily Devotional ministry. The following examples may be helpful to read:
Extra Credit by Quinn Caldwell
Worldly Wisdom and God’s Foolishness by Molly Baskette
Not A Book, A Bottle by Mary Luti
Whose Body? Our Body! by Phiwa Langeni
Just Wednesday Night by Vince Amlin
Format Guidelines
In order to be considered, submissions must use the following format:
Start with a title.
Give an excerpt of scripture, including the text reference and version.
Provide a reflection. It should be no less than 300 words and no more than 350 words. Use 12-point font. Do not use bold, underlines, or all-caps. Use italics for book titles, non-English words, and (sparingly) for emphasis.
End with a prayer.
Content Guidelines
There are additional considerations to be aware of in your writing:
Do not assume biblical literacy or church familiarity. While many readers are well-versed in scripture and familiar with church life, write in such a way that you do not lose the reader who is not.
Stick to one key idea. These pieces are very short, and the best ones have a sharp focus with a deep theological root.
Illuminate a "still-speaking" theology. While the Daily Devotional contributes to an understanding of UCC identity, its primary aim is an understanding of God.
Consider wonder. Devotions are not Bible lessons or moralistic sermons. A strong devotion invites readers into deeper love, holy wonder, needed soul-searching, and/or greater faithfulness.
Sound like yourself. If your writing voice is casual, there's no need to use a formal tone—and vice versa. Your personality should be evident in the devotion, from the title to the prayer.
Submission Guidelines
When you are ready to submit your devotion for consideration, email it as a Word document attachment to dailydevotional (at) ucc.org. Editorial feedback is not provided on submissions. (Some writers choose to CC themselves for delivery confirmation.) If we are able to use your submission, we will notify you and discuss any editing needed.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the ministry of the Daily Devotional.