Part-time Pastor, Full-time Church (LaRochelle)
Bi-Vocational Pastoring
Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church explores the enriching benefits that a bi-vocational or part-time pastor can bring to a church that is facing economic hardships but understands the importance of spiritual development. LaRochelle expertly shares how congregations can flourish with creative thinking and positive restructuring alongside skilled part-time and bi-vocational pastors.
Clergy as well as congregations will learn how part-time and bi-vocational work can be an effective and successful arrangement for their church.
About the Author
Robert LaRochelle is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and is the pastor of Second Congregational Church UCC in Manchester, Connecticut, where he serves as a part-time pastor. He served as part-time pastor of the Congregational Church of Union in Union, Connecticut for over 11 years. He is also a full-time high school counselor. He received his D.Min from Chicago Theological Seminary.
Paperback: 160 pages (5.5 x 8.5)
ISBN 978-0-8298-1871-0