Immersed in the Splendor of God | Resources for Worship Renewal (Mitman)

Immersed in the Splendor of God | Resources for Worship Renewal (Mitman)

  • $13.50

Liturgies for the Church Year

This resource's liturgies are crafted for Sundays throughout the year, and include many different parts of the worship service. The author has taken special care to be sensitive to the issues of inclusive language, but the liturgies are adaptable to suit all users' needs.

Each chapter opens with a discussion of how that particular part of the liturgy (e.g. "Gathering Act") developed over time. These discussions will enable lay leaders to assist in the design of their church's worship services.

Originally published in 1987 as Worship Vessels, this book is an expanded version of the original with fresh examples of liturgical pieces to aid pastors and worship planning committees. Contents include: Word & Sacrament; Gathering; Penitence; Word; Offertory; Eucharist; Sending; and The Bulletins of Common Prayer.

About the Author

F. Russell Mitman was the conference minister for the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ. He is the author of Worship in the Shape of Scripture (The Pilgrim Press, 2001). Mitman is a trustee of Lancaster Theological Seminary in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Paperback: 214 pages
ISBN 978-0-8298-1614-3