OMG | Devotionals for Teens & Young Adults (PDF)

  • $5.95

Unpredictable and Meaningful

These devotionals may not be what you’re expecting.

They’re not lectures. They’re not mini-sermons.

They’re meant to help you live your life better by connecting you with God — no matter what’s on your mind or going on in your life. They can even help you pray. You’ll find a short prayer at the end of each reading, to say out loud or to yourself. That will get you started, and the rest is up to you.

A perfect gift for graduation, confirmation, or just because.

PDF Instructions

The OMG devotional is a PDF. Please purchase one PDF per reader/study group member. Once you place your order, you will receive a link via email to download the PDF. Nothing will be shipped. 

About the Writers

Written by progressive Christians of differing backgrounds, ages, and opinionsthe writers and collaborators of the Stillspeaking Writers' Group.

Paperback or PDF Download
ISBN 978-0-8298-1994-6

Search terms: graduation, gift, student