African American Pastoral Care and Counseling | The Politics of Oppression and Empowerment (Wimberly)
The Politics of Pastoral Care
It is because pastoral care and counseling facilitate person agency and efficacy (personal, social, and political empowerment and transformation) that African American pastoral care and counseling are inherently political processes, contends Edward Wimberly.
In African American Pastoral Care and Counseling: The Politics of Oppression and Empowerment, Wimberly outlines the theological anthropology that undergirds the practices of care and the practices of self as holistic processes. Wimberly shows those who engage in pastoral counseling with African Americans how to navigate around the negative self-images, identities, and stories into which they have been recruited in order to liberate themselves to discern how to best make use of their personal and political agency and efficacy.
About the Author
Edward Wimberly is executive vice president for academic affairs and student affairs/academic dean and Jarena Lee professor of Pastoral Care at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta. He is the author of over a dozen books and an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church.
Paperback: 160 pages
ISBN 978-0-8298-1681-5