Building Up a New World | Congregational Organizing for Transformative Impact
Community Organizing from the Pews
The church is an organizing body. No matter how big or small the membership roll, no matter a rural or urban location, churches around the world and across generations organize people:
- to educate in Sunday school or at public lectures;
- to feed at potluck luncheons and soup kitchens;
- to comfort through funerals, visitation, and refugee resettlement;
- to uplift with worship, public witness, and policy advocacy.
There's not a congregation that doesn't organize!
But how to organize—effectively and justly for the transformation of the world—remains a frequently asked question. Audre Lorde wrote, "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house," therefore community-organizing tools from diverse and marginalized groups are essential for the work of liberation.
Congregations will be invaluably equipped through the stories, practical wisdom, and diverse perspectives of Building Up a New World, with chapters such as:
- Organizing Congregations for Impact
- Building a Just Economy
- Resisting White Nationalism
- From Potluck to Policy Reform
- and many more.
Praise for Building Up a New World
—Patricia E. de Jong, Chair, Board of Directors, Church World Service
—Joshua Baird, Team Leader for Global H.O.P.E.
—Traci Blackmon, Associate General Minister, United Church of Christ
About the Editors/Writers
Anne Dunlap is the Faith Organizing Coordinator for Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ), a UCC minister, and the founder of FierceRev Remedies.
Vahisha Hasan, the Executive Director of Movement in Faith, is deeply invested in ways activist and faith communities further healing and collective liberation.
Contributors include: Brittany Caine-Conley, Margaret Ernst, Cathy Carrillo, Noel Anderson, Nichola Torbett, Logan Rimel, Chris Davies, Tracy Howe, Sandra Summers, Teresa Mateus, Vahisha Hasan, Sekinah Hamlin, Sky Roosevelt Mooris, Jade Perry, Erica Williams, Ayanna Johnson Watkins, Lucy Waechter Webb, Marilyn Pagán-Banks, and Anne Dunlap. Foreword by Velda Love.
Paperback: 240 pages
ISBN 978-0-8298-0042-5