Transfiguring Loss | Julian of Norwich as a Guide for Survivors of Traumatic Grief (Maynard)

Transfiguring Loss | Julian of Norwich as a Guide for Survivors of Traumatic Grief (Maynard)

  • $15.50

Holding onto Love through Loss

Maynard explores the contributions that 15th century Julian of Norwich (who lost her own family to the Plague) may offer to survivors of traumatic loss -- such as the losses suffered by survivors of September 11 and by those who have lost a loved one to AIDS.

Reading Julian's theology and spirituality taught Maynard that a transcendent experience of love offers hope in the midst of loss, and she shares that inspiration in Transfiguring Loss.

About the Author

Jane Maynard serves in interim ministry in congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia and is an adjunct instructor at area seminaries. She earned her Ph.D. and M.A.T.S. from Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, California.

Paperback: 240 pages 
ISBN 978-0-8298-1601-3

Search terms: plague, pandemic, Covid-19