Heterosexism in Contemporary World Religion | Problem and Prospect (Ellison & Plaskow, eds.)

Heterosexism in Contemporary World Religion | Problem and Prospect (Ellison & Plaskow, eds.)

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Critiquing Heterosexism

Homosexuality is not a problem -- heterosexism is.

Heterosexism is often supported by religious statements and practices against sexual minorities. Heterosexism in Contemporary World Religion draws out the strands in each major religion that are antidotal to such heterosexist habits.

The contributors to this volume, all of whom are authorities in their religious traditions, include:

Ghazala Anwar (Islam) 
Kelly Brown Douglas (African American Christianity) 
Marvin M. Ellison (Protestant Christianity) 
Ann-Marie Hsiung (Taoism and Confucianism) 
Mary Hunt (Roman Catholicism) 
Yu-Chen Li (Buddhism) 
Daniel C. Maguire (Roman Catholicism) 
Judith Plaskow (Judaism) 
Anantanand Rambachan (Hinduism)

About the Editors

Marvin M. Ellison is Willard S. Bass Professor of Christian Ethics at Bangor Theological Seminary in Bangor, Maine. He is the author of Same-Sex Marriage? A Christian Ethical Analysis (2004).

Judith Plaskow,
a Jewish feminist theologian, is professor of religious studies at Manhattan College in New York City. She is co-founder of Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion and wrote the first full-length Jewish feminist theology, Standing Again in Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective (1990).

Paperback: 232 pages (6 x 9 in.)
ISBN 978-0-8298-1810-9

Search terms: LGBT, LGBTQ, queer, homophobia