Girl/Friend Theology | God-Talk with Young People (Baker)
New edition!
Praise for Girl/Friend Theology
Girl/Friend Theology is an invitation into enlivening spiritual practices and meaning-centered conversations, a story-filled book that draws us into a world where faith is a mode of liberation, true connection and joy.
Karen Wright Marsh, Director of Theological Horizons,
Author of Wake Up to Wonder
Dori not only makes a brilliant contribution to theorizing a practice; her exquisite writing and storytelling invites the wonder the practice intends.
David F. White, PhD, C. Ellis Nelson Professor of Christian Education,
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
This edition is not only updated; it is reinvigorated. It is not only expanded; it is expansive. Through Girl/Friend Theology, readers get the opportunity to see how new insights and new voices continue to add affirmation to the power of listening to, sharing, and engaging faithfully with the stories from the lives of adolescent girls.
Emily A. Peck, ThD, Co-Director of the Children and Youth Ministry and Advocacy Certificate, Wesley Theological Seminary
God-Talk and Holy Listening
Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether wrote in her foreword to the first edition of Dori Baker's Doing Girlfriend Theology (2005): "The key lies in learning to listen. Dori Baker shows us how to do that."
In the foreword to this updated edition, Girl/Friend Theology, Dr. Evelyn L. Parker expands upon Ruether's affirmation:
"[Baker] not only shows us how to Listen, but also to Immerse, View it wider, and Explore/Enact. Dori shows us how to L.I.V.E."
Where Is God in Our Stories?
Images of God are rooted in us—for better but sometimes for worse. Adolescent girls and genderqueer teenagers often pay a heavy price when those images are oppressive.
But the best God-images serve to free us all. The work of exploring God-images within young people's stories can be hard, but Girl/Friend Theology invites us to the work with joy, playfulness, and shared commitment.
Author Dori Grinenko Baker updates her original work with expanded perspective, added voices and stories, and an ongoing dedication to liberating faith.
About the Author
Dori Grinenko Baker is a writer, facilitator, and thought-leader who is passionate about helping individuals find meaning and live into their purpose. Her books include Another Way, The Barefoot Way, and Greenhouses of Hope.
The Pilgrim Press
Paperback, 225 pages
ISBN 978-0-8298-0046-3