Hidden Histories in the United Church of Christ | Volume 2 (Zikmund, ed.)
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More Untold Histories
In this volume, Dr. Zikmund continues the untold stories in the formation of the United Church of Christ (UCC). Volume 1 focused on those ethnic groups or ecclesiastical movements often overlooked by UCC historical orthodoxy. This second book of essays does two things: it provides additional information about groups not covered in the original collection, and it explores the sources of some principles and practices important to United Church of Christ identity.
This book invites readers to enhance their knowledge of history as an important source of spiritual strength for these times. It also examines more deeply what it means for the United Church of Christ to celebrate its "unity in diversity." It explores such areas as:
- Lutheran and Reformed Cooperation;
- Evangelical Pietism and Biblical Criticism;
- Women's Mission Structures and the American Board;
- Religious Journalism;
- Chinese Congregationalism;
- and much more.
Contributors include: J. Martin Bailey, Dorothy C. Bass, Curtis Beach, Thomas E. Dipko, Matthew Fong, J. Harvey Gossard, Rose Lee, Elizabeth C. Nordbeck, Horace S. Sills, Priscilla Stuckey-Kauffman, Dorothy Wong, Barbara Brown Zikmund, and Lowell H. Zuck.
About the Editor
Barbara Brown Zikmund, retired, was President of Hartford Seminary and Dean of the Faculty and Associate Professor of Church History at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California. She was also Assistant Professor and Director of Studies at Chicago Theological Seminary. Zikmund is a member of the UCC Historical Council.
United Church Press
ISBN 978-0-8298-0753-5

UCC Polity Bundle
Purchase 6 of the following 18 polity titles and receive a 30% discount by entering the code "UCC Polity Bundle" at checkout.
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The Evangelical Catechism: A New Translation for the 21st Century (Trost)
- The Evolution of a UCC Style: Essays in the History, Ecclesiology, and Culture of the United Church of Christ (Walker)
The Heidelberg Catechism: A New Translation for the 21st Century (Barrett)
- Hidden Histories in the United Church of Christ: Volume 1 (Zikmund, ed.)
Hidden Histories in the United Church of Christ: Volume 2 (Zikmund, ed.)
History and Program: Revised and Updated (Post/Dipko)
- A History of the Evangelical and Reformed Church (Zuck, ed.)
- New Ecclesiology and Polity: The United Church of Christ (Steckel)
The Shaping of American Congregationalism: 1620-1957 (von Rohr)
- The Shaping of the United Church of Christ: An Essay in the History of American Christianity (Gunnemann)
- Sharing Leadership: A United Church of Christ Way of Being in Community (Drummond)
- That We May All (Finally!) Be One: Covenant, Hospitality, and the Expanding Identity in the United Church of Christ (Gast)
- Theology and Identity: Traditions, Movements, and Polity in the United Church of Christ (Johnson and Hambrick-Stowe, eds.)
- United and Uniting: The Meaning of an Ecclesial Journey, United Church of Christ 1957-1987 (Gunnemann)
- The Unofficial Handbook of the United Church of Christ (Caldwell and Preston)
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