The Heidelberg Catechism | A New Translation for the 21st Century (Barrett)
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A Fresh Translation
This translation of the historic The Heidelberg Catechism takes into account scholarship since the 1962 translation by Allen Miller and Eugene Osterhaven.
An introduction briefly describes the role of catechisms in the life of the church and explains the historical dynamics that led to the composition of The Heidelberg Catechism. It includes a synopsis of the catechism's distinctive theological emphases as well as suggestions about the ongoing relevance for churches in a post-Christendom environment. It explains doctrinal terms.
The book is designed for new church members, confirmation students, and persons seeking ministerial standing.
About the Translator
Lee C. Barrett, III holds the Mary B. and Henry P. Stager Chair in Theology at Lancaster Theological Seminary, as professor of systematic theology.
United Church Press
ISBN 978-0-8298-1762-1
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